Grid FAQs

Building trust – data integrity
We make your data look good

frequently asked questions

How do we get started with data automation?

Your data automation journey with Grid Data Systems begins with a full needs assessment, where we identify your specific requirements. Based on this, and the existing infrastructure of your firm, we identify the critical issues in your business and recommend an appropriate solution and budget. The process always starts with a trial period or Proof of Concept (PoC) where we can gauge the effectiveness of the proposed solution before proceeding with a full scale implementation.

How much does it cost to implement data automation?

The cost will vary based on the complexity of tasks, modules chosen, and the scale of implementation, as well as existing infrastructure and potential infrastructure upgrades. Our solutions are scalable up or down at any point, so you’re never locked in to a single solution or cost structure.

How does data automation impact our current workforce?

Your employees can be upskilled to manage, monitor, and refine automated processes, in order to take on higher-level tasks. This helps convert previously complicated tasks into easily automated tasks, freeing up your valuable human resources to make more information-based decisions, and giving you more direct oversight over your data ecosystem. In this way, decision making becomes more reliable and consistent, removing the guesswork, and engendering proactive rather than reactive management in your business.

Do you provide training during and after implementation?

Yes. Training is an integral aspect of the process, ensuring a smoother transition and helping your employees to troubleshoot or refine processes. We can also help you train  ‘super users’ with an aptitude for technology and data processes, giving them the tools they need to train other users, and converting traning into an internal, organic process that helps your business grow.

Who are the key stakeholders we should involve in the automation process?

Eveyone affected by the automation processes, which includes your IT teams, data analysts, business analysts,  team leaders, department heads, management, and also senior executives for strategic direction and budgeting.

How will data automation integrate with our current systems and software?

Grid Data Systems modular solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and software, and are fully customisable and scalable to future software integration.

How often do we need to update or maintain our automation tools?

As your business evolves, we update or change the processes on a case-by-case basis, customised to your business needs.

How can we ensure data privacy and security in automated processes?

We employ industry-standard encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and compliance with data protection. Because we’re working with clients on their servers with their security protocols, we flag any instances where security doesn’t meet minimal requirements and recommend appropriate solutions.

How long will the automation journey take?

That really depends on the complexity of your business and specific business requirements. When you start the journey with us, you won’t have all the answers you seek immediately. Automation is an ongoing process, and as we work through the design and implmentation of your solution together, we’ll be able to better assess how long the process will take to reach the outcomes you’ve set.

Critical factors at the start of the journey might become less so, while other unforeseen factors might become more relevant. As a collaborative process, we work to and within the timeframes you set, and as such your ongoing participation in the process is the most important factor determining its success.

What hardware do I need and how much will it cost monthly?

You don’t need any special hardware for services but Grid Data Application needs its own commissioned infrastructure – either a dedicated on-premises or cloud-based server. This also allows you to remain compliant with POPIA and GDPR requirements. We will work with you to properly spec the hardware infrastructure equired for your specific application.