grid data systems

Control your data.
Automate your processes.
Maximise your valuE.

When you start losing sight of your data,
Grid offers a solution.

our solutions

The Grid Data Systems solution is fully modular. You only pay for the modules you need, and only pay for usage.

Grid Data Application (GDA)

Grid Investor Portal

Grid Investor Portal

Grid CRM

Grid CRM

Grid Sign

Grid Web Services

Grid Web Services

Grid Report Generator

Grid Report Generator


Grid Connect

is grid a good fit for you?

With representation in Copenhagen and Cape Town, we have clients across Europe and South Africa, primarily in the investment and financial services sector. Our solutions and services are adaptable and applicable across multiple business sectors and Industries, anywhere in the world.

Contact us today to discover how we can unlock your
business value together.

enquire now

With representation in Copenhagen and Cape Town, we have clients across Europe and South Africa, primarily in the investment and financial services sector. Our solutions and services are adaptable and applicable across multiple business sectors and Industries, anywhere in the world.

Contact us today to discover how we can unlock your business value together.

enquire now

Grid Data Management Image

grid data systems

Grid Data Systems is a data automation software specialist with the sole focus of helping our clients extract maximum value from their data.

Our modular solutions deliver improved business efficiency and cost savings through best-in-class data and process automation technology, with data silo and repository consolidation, de-duplication, and integrated data warehouse-driven decision making.

Automate the process of transforming, analysing and interrogating your data to get accurate answers in real-time – while reducing manual errors and eliminating reporting issues before they ever reach your clients.

Why repeat something thousands of times when you can do it once and get it right first time?

why grid?

Most companies have data stored in dozens of different places and across multiple systems, with no idea how to link it. Most companies also don’t have the necessary skills to develop and maintain a data warehouse to consolidate multiple groups of data. We have the tools and skills to join the dots – connecting and automating your data sources and processes respectively – so you can do anything you want with it from one place.

Our solutions combine your individual-level data and convert it into a unified format for an efficient, usable data warehouse across your organisation.
Whether you’re a CEO, CTO, CFO, line manager, analyst or investor, there’s always something you need to know about the business for effective outcomes-based decision making. But getting simple, accurate answers from your information systems isn’t always easy. It’s not unusual for someone to spend an entire day gathering data just to answer one simple question.

This is where GRID comes in. We help solve your pain points with a one-query that provides up-to-date results from your business systems in a format you can use right now. Want to know how many high-value clients are older than 60? Want to give each of those clients a consolidated view of their investments with your firm? We automate the repetitive tasks it takes to perform these functions and do it with the data on all your systems.

Efficient action requires full data control. Bulk tasks demand clean, consolidated data. Our solutions grant data control, automate bulk processes, and tailor access for your management, staff, and clients.
We believe in proactive rather than reactive data management, allowing you to reduce errors and to identify potential problems before your clients ever see them. Better still, your clients won’t know we exist. Our services will enhance your brand, your service excellence and your value.
Until you can see your data, you don’t actually know if or what’s going wrong. Out of sight is out of mind, and your data problems can grow. With Grid, you’ll never lose sight of your data.
Join the dots
Most companies have data stored in dozens of different places and across multiple systems, with no idea how to link it. Most companies also don’t have the necessary skills to develop and maintain a data warehouse to consolidate multiple groups of data. We have the tools and skills to join the dots – connecting and automating your data sources and processes respectively – so you can do anything you want with it from one place.
Connect your data
Our solutions combine your individual-level data and convert it into a unified format for an efficient, usable data warehouse across your organisation.
Solve pain points

Whether you’re a CEO, CTO, CFO, line manager, analyst or investor, there’s always something you need to know about the business for effective outcomes-based decision making. But getting simple, accurate answers from your information systems isn’t always easy. It’s not unusual for someone to spend an entire day gathering data just to answer one simple question.

This is where GRID comes in. We help solve your pain points with a one-query that provides up-to-date results from your business systems in a format you can use right now. Want to know how many high-value clients are older than 60? Want to give each of those clients a consolidated view of their investments with your firm? We automate the repetitive tasks it takes to perform these functions and do it with the data on all your systems.

Control your data
Efficient action requires full data control. Bulk tasks demand clean, consolidated data. Our solutions grant data control, automate bulk processes, and tailor access for your management, staff, and clients.
Build trust with data integrity
We believe in proactive rather than reactive data management, allowing you to reduce errors and to identify potential problems before your clients ever see them. Better still, your clients won’t know we exist. Our services will enhance your brand, your service excellence and your value.
Never lose sight of your data
Until you can see your data, you don’t actually know if or what’s going wrong. Out of sight is out of mind, and your data problems can grow. With Grid, you’ll never lose sight of your data.